Winner: Mark Standerwick, Progress, photography 30 x 80cm

Winner: Mark Standerwick, Progress, photography 30 x 80cm
Winner: Zara Zannettino, Absurd Birds, textile, 53 x 153cm
The Aussie Animal Sanctuary Prize in the 2022 Solar Art Prize was won by Margaret Thomas for her two works.
(1) There’s plenty more plastic in the sea mixed media 160 x 67
(2) Steve Wright – 1000 Trees mixed media gum leaf, watercolour, 60 x 47cm
There were 3 Merit Awards in the 2022 Solar Art Prize and winners received $3,000 vouchers each for Natural Technology Systems Products
Carol Bann: Dry River Bed, coloured pencil, 69 x 86cm
Tricia Ross: Vanitas for a changing world, wet plate collodian photography, 41 x 35.5cm
Hadley Johnson: Housing Crisis, clay & found rubbish (on net)
Honorary Mention in the 2022 Solar Art Prize: Janet Makaev: Down at the dam: pobble book spawn, giglee print 70 x 50cm
Honorary Mention in the 2022 Solar Art Prize: Paul Whitehead: Climate refugees, photography, 40 x 120cm
Pip Fletcher has once again funded the non-acquisitive annual South Australian Solar Art Prize, with prizes being vouchers for solar products.
Artists in any medium are welcome to submit art relevant to climate change, nature and the environment.
Entries close 18 February 2022 and winners will be announced 9 April 2022 at the Royal South Australian Society for the Arts.
Prize details and entry forms are at
We are delighted to announce this year’s winners. Due to a technicality, we are not able to post images of the winning artworks at this time, but we are working on it! We also may need to correct some of the spelling. We hope this bare-bones announcement will suffice in the meantime.
The judges commented that it was such a strong exhibition, they awarded two extra prizes.
Elizabeth Doidge with Man Leaving the Land and Windmill
Paul Whitehead with Australia: The Cracks Are Showing
First prize
Pamela Ilert with Oceans of Plastic
Second prize
Tony Catalano with Exploitation
Iroda Adil with Robin (sustainable farmer)
First prize
David Braun with Once Proud and Tall
Second prize
Maiko Pettman with Whispers from a Forest, A, B and C
David Baker with Thread of Life
Carole Bann with Abundance
Jan Makaev with Foot Valve
Margaret Thomas with Plastic Spoons/Spoons Never Die
Iroda Adil with Robin (sustainable farmer)
Jing Wei Bu with Installation with Video of Reef
Hadley Johnson with End of the Line
Winners of the 12th annual Solar Art Prize – Caring For Our Planet competition will be announced here and also on Facebook on Sunday 30 May 2021.
Finalists’ work will be displayed at the gallery of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts on the first floor of the Institute Building on the corner of Kintore Avenue and North Terrace from 10:30am – 3:30pm (not Sundays) from Monday 31 May to Saturday 19 June.
In response to questions raised, we have added the following paragraph to the Conditions page.
Due date for entries is 9 April 2021 as stated on the entry form.
Entries are made by creating a hard copy A4 image of the work of art. The judges (who are different each year) make the selection of finalists by comparing all these together.
Finalists then send the work of art for display and final judging.
The only exception to the hard copy requirement is for moving images such as videos and videogames. They do not have to be in A4 format, but they still need to be posted in or brought in to the RSASA desk.
This will bring the total prizes offered over twelve years to $364,140.
Overall Prize –
$5,500 voucher for solar products from NTS Prospect or $500 cash
Plus 1 year RSASA membership
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets
Section Prizes –
Vouchers for $4,800 for solar products from NTS Prospect or $100 cash
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets
Section 1 –
Climate Change – results and causes
People who harm the environment (These may be Caricatures – Satire highlighting social or community Irresponsibility).
Section 2– People who help the environment.
(They may be People in action or life portraits of those who take responsible action towards climate change- these should be taken from life and not accessed through the net unless we are again in ‘shut down’).
Section 3 – Natural Environment – Endangered or wild fauna or flora in land or seascape (these can be accessed from sanctuaries, zoos etc but not through the net unless we are again in ‘shut down’).
3 Merit Prizes –
$50 cash
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets
Global warming
or Nature – Natural landscape or seascape or underwater or underground (eg caves) and hidden gems.
or Wildlife or endangered fauna or flora or microscopic life. (These must not be copies and sources must be acknowledged including through the net).
Aussie Animal Sanctuary Prize
$50 cash
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets
Hanger’s Prize
$50 cash
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets
People’s choice prize, announced on the final day of the exhibition
$50 cash
Plus $100 metro bus/train tickets