Hon. Susan Close MP presented the Merit Award to Margaret Thomas.

Margaret Thomas, ‘Steven Wright – sitting’ Mixed media on paper
100 x 72cm
Hon. Susan Close MP presented the Merit Award to Margaret Thomas.
Margaret Thomas, ‘Steven Wright – sitting’ Mixed media on paper
100 x 72cm
Hon. Susan Close MP awarded the Hangers’ Prize to Wendy Jennings.
The 9th annual Solar Art Prize exhibition was opened 20 May 2018 by Hon. Susan Close MP in her capacity as Shadow Minister for The Environment and Water (she is also Deputy Opposition Leader and Shadow Education Minister).
We are delighted to announce that the Hon Susan Close MP, Deputy Opposition Leader, will be opening the Solar Art Prize on Sunday 20 May on the first floor of the Institute Building on the corner of Kintore Avenue and North Terrace. The doors open at 2pm and the official opening and prize giving will commence around 2:30pm.
The artists who have kindly agreed to judge for the 2018 Solar Art Prize are:
Mary-Jean Richardson — http://www.fontanelle.com.au/mary-jean-richardson/
Daryl Austin — http://www.darylaustin.com/
Barry Lincoln — sculptor
We thank them for their community spirit in volunteering to judge more than 90 entries together!
Yes, all you thrill-seeking artists who like to live on the edge and paint or glue on the last day of a challenge, here is a chance to let it dry!
The closing date for entries for the 2018 Solar Art Prize has been extended from 23 March 2018 to 29 March 2018.
Here is a surprise for everyone. To suit gallery availability, the 9th Solar Art Prize will be held early!
That means the prize value is reduced. First prize is a $6,000 voucher for solar products or $1,000 in cash, Section 1 and 2 prizes are $4,000 vouchers for solar products or $200 cash, three merit prizes are $100 and an Aussie Animal Sanctuary board game, and there are three minor prizes being Hangers’ Prize, People’s Choice Prize and the Aussie Animal Sanctuary Prize.
The solar products vouchers are with Natural Technology Systems and may be transferred to family or friends but must be taken up within 12 months and in South Australia or Broken Hill.
Section 1 is for landscapes or seascapes showing the natural environment OR wild or endangered fauna or flora.
Section 2 is for portraits/statuettes or generic portrayals of environmentally responsible people OR art which illustrates the public responsibility of climate change and its causes, or actions curbing our carbon footprint.
The People’s Choice prize is awarded to the artist who received the most votes from exhibition attendees. This year the prize was won by Andrew MacGowan. Here is Jack Condous, OAM, FRSASA, awarding the prize of $4,000 worth of solar products from Natural Technology Systems, to Andrew.
And here is Andrew with Winter Silent Beauty – no, that is not the woman beside him, that is Pip Fletcher who curates and donates the prize. Winter Silent Beauty is the oil painting behind them.
Lord Mayor of Adelaide opens Solar Art Prize exhibition
29 October 2017
Posted by Royal South Australian Society of the Arts on Wednesday, 1 December 2017